Zero Accidents for 365 Days Under Target Zero Philosophy

Jenks & Cattell Engineering Ltd operate with a Target Zero philosophy throughout the factory which means every employee aims for zero defects, accidents, landfill and variance and there are visual targets, KPI’s and incentives in place to aim to achieve the very highest accolade of zero alongside a very stringent reporting process.

May has marked a proud day for the engineering company with a whole year passing an accident caused loss of time; and every employee will be rewarded accordingly to celebrate putting health and safety at the forefront.

Health & Safety Manager, Sam Rose said: “Well done to everyone, especially to those who report near misses and identify potential hazards to ensure we put a stop to all accidents in a proactive manner. We all work in a busy factory environment with heavy presses and machinery and our aim is to send everyone home safely at the end of their working day and to remain productive. We are proud to have hit the 365-day mark, lets carry on working safely!”

Read more about our Target Zero Philosophy here:


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