Get Ready For Christmas Jumper Day

One week to go! Christmas Jumper Day is back on December 8th so dust off your jumpers and get ready. Jenks and Cattell Engineering is supporting Save The Children charity for the 9th consecutive year, however this time, it’s triple the fun because every donation will be tripled. Donations made between 1st December and 1st March will be matched by the Government and by our company which makes your £2 donation for taking part, a £6 donation for Save The Children.

If you want to help the cause and are a part of the Jenks team, dress up in your favourite Christmas Jumper and prepare your £2 donation. We have prepared some special activities on the day for those who choose to take part.

Don’t worry if you are not a part of our team, you can still help! Anyone can donate and support Save The Children by sending a text message or scanning our QR code from the poster.

Want to know how our donations can change lives?

  • £20 could buy antibiotics to help ten children beat malnutrition
  • £35 could give a child in Somalia basic healthcare like life-saving vaccines for malaria and pneumonia.
  • £75 could train a health worker in Kenya to provide vital care for babies at home.
  • £160 could pay for life-saving treatment for two children with severe acute malnutrition in Ethiopia.
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